مسؤولية تحقيق الأمن والاستقرار من كل المذاهب العظمى في ضوء السيرة النبوية ﷺ

Responsibility to Achieve Security & Stability from all Great Sects in the light of the Prophetic Biography (PBUH).


  • Salauddin Sani Al-Azhari Pakistan Shipowners Government College, Karachi.
  • Hafiza Toba Sani Banuriya International University, Karachi.


Humanity, Evidence, Hardship, Religious Peace & Harmony, Tolerance, Clarifications, Stability


Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. The Islamic teachings are a guaranteed peace full of co-existence. A society that practices Islamic teachings of peaceful co-existence, brotherhood, and cooperation makes advancement. Disharmony and intolerance cause a societal decline. The articles focus on the importance of peaceful co-existence in light of Islamic teachings. Besides discussing the principle of societal peace mentioned in the Seerat un-Nabi (S.A.W.W). It has been elaborated that how these principles can be applied to achieve and maintain societal peace and order in contemporary times. The articles with some guiding principles and details and suggested in the Quran and Seerat. A Muslim society can prosper only by adopting these principles in letter and spirit and resultantly their differences will be a thing of the past.

Termination of peace in the cause root which is the theory of Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity. Islam provides complete freedom to all religions and civilizations. Along with the Holy teachings of the Holy prophets’ teachings a glorious way of leading a peaceful life. This point has been lighted. To establish peace in the society. In this regard, the Holy Prophet made agreements and accords with non-muslins and Jews for peace. He made respects of embarcaderos; various prisoners are treated with good behavior. He made the principles of ethics with respect. In the last, He founded the base of peace and told how peace is established in the society. Islam is a religion of Peace and Harmony.

This article deals with some of the characteristics of tolerance and protection are the pillar of peace for humanity.

Author Biographies

Salauddin Sani Al-Azhari, Pakistan Shipowners Government College, Karachi.

Prof. Dr. Salauddin Sani Al-Azhari is Principal, Pakistan Shipowners Government College, North Nazimabad, Karachi. He is also the president of College Principals’ Association, Sindh (Registered). He is also the Chief Editor of a resarch journal "Uloom-e-Islamiah International".

Hafiza Toba Sani, Banuriya International University, Karachi.

Hafiza Toba Sani is Lecturer at Banuriya International University, Karachi.




How to Cite

Al-Azhari, S. S., & Hafiza Toba Sani. (2021). مسؤولية تحقيق الأمن والاستقرار من كل المذاهب العظمى في ضوء السيرة النبوية ﷺ: Responsibility to Achieve Security & Stability from all Great Sects in the light of the Prophetic Biography (PBUH). Al-Wifaq, 4(1), 37–56. Retrieved from https://alwifaqjournal.com/article/view/73



Arabic Articles