غیر مسلموں کی عبادت گاہوں کے تحفظ سے متعلق اسلامی تعلیمات اور عصری تطبیقات
Islamic Teachings about the Protection of Non-Muslims' Places of Worship and Contemporary Adoptions
Muslims’ Education in Subcontinent, Mosque, Religion Islam, CurriculumAbstract
The protection and respect of non-Muslim places of worship in Islamic countries is a very important issue from a religious, political, and social point of view. Islam has given clear teachings on the rights of non-Muslims. The Holy Qur’an not only promotes religious tolerance but also gives extraordinary teachings on the respect and protection of their places of worship.
During the caliphate of Hazrat Umar Farooq, not only were the places of worship of non-Muslims protected through treaties, but he also mentioned their rights in his last will and testament. In the Righteous Caliphate, the Muslims conquered many areas, but no one was harmed except the demolition of a church or a temple. In this regard, it would be an exaggeration to say that Islamic teachings not only guarantee the safety of non-Muslim places of worship but also prohibit them from harming them in any way. The article under review will show the world the true side of Islam that Islam always commands religious tolerance and that this religion is free from violence and prejudice in all respects.