قرآن کا تصور قوام اور مسلم خاندانی نظام

The Concept of Qawwām in the Holy Quran and the Muslim Family System


  • Shazia Yasmin Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  • Tahira Ifraq Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.




Quran, Tafāsīr, Qawwām, Muslim Family System, Woman’s Authority


Many Tafāsīr of the Holy Quran have been written to understand and contemplate its injunctions and guidance. The genre of contemporary Tafāsīr suggests that the solution to every problem lies in the guidance of the Quran. However, contrary to this, in creating so-called novelty and modernism, the materialistic approach has also remained central in contemporary Islamic thought. In response to criticisms from orientalists, compromises have been made, and the inclination towards pragmatism and new thinking has been emphasized, characterized by an apologetic and conciliatory attitude. These approaches have deeply influenced family life. In the context of male authority in family life, ensuring protection, respect, and ease for women is essential. Consequently, mufassirīn, translators, interpreters, jurists, and language scholars have presented various expressions to convey the width of meaning encapsulated in the term "Qawwām."

Islam has revolutionized the lives of women, granting them the status of human beings entitled to justice and fairness. The rights of wives over husbands are as essential as those of husbands over wives. Islam has liberated women, making them free and autonomous, owners of their lives and properties. The family is like a small state, and the positions of head and authority are of utmost importance. Just as someone without qualification cannot hold a high office and forceful imposition of authority can lead to the failure of that institution. Therefore, while establishing the foundation of a family, spouses need to be aware of the principles and rules of authority.

This article discusses the Quranic concept of male authority in the light of classical and contemporary tafsīr, emphasizing its modern application in the Muslim family system. Understanding the meanings and concepts of authority is crucial for both husband and wife to resolve issues in marital life, owing to its increasing challenges.




How to Cite

Shazia Yasmin, & Tahira Ifraq. (2024). قرآن کا تصور قوام اور مسلم خاندانی نظام: The Concept of Qawwām in the Holy Quran and the Muslim Family System. Al-Wifaq, 7(1), 77–107. https://doi.org/10.55603/alwifaq.v7i1.u5



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