Substratum of Collaborative Endeavors in Muslim Nations: An Evaluation and Islamic-Based Approach


  • Muhammad Junaid Nadvi Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Mohammad Khalid Husain College of Humanities, Effat University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



Collaborative Endeavors, Muslim Nations, Evaluation, Islamic-Based Approach


This paper explores the critical theme of collaboration among Muslim-majority nations. Drawing from Islamic principles, this study investigates the underlying factors that hamper effective cooperation and proposes viable solutions. The Evaluation and Islamic-Based Approach adopted in this treatise is both informative and precise. It effectively conveys the focus of this research paper, highlighting the evaluation of collaborative efforts within Muslim nations from an Islamic perspective. It sets the look for a thoughtful examination of the underlying Substratum and approaches to collaboration in this context. In general, it appears to be a fitting and captivating research endeavor.

Key Points of this treatise

Contextualizing Collaboration: The paper situates collaboration in broader perspective of Muslim Nations’ interactions encompassing socio-political, economic, and cultural realms. It highlights the significance of collaboration for addressing shared challenges, fostering development, and promoting unity.

Challenges and Barriers: The research identifies common obstacles to collaboration, including historical tensions, geopolitical rivalries, and divergent interests. It delves into the impact of colonial legacies, sectarian divisions, and resource disparities on collaborative efforts.

Islamic Perspectives on Cooperation: Drawing from the Quran and Hadith, the paper explores the ethical Substratum of collaboration. It emphasizes concepts such as “ummah” (global Muslim community), “ta‘awun” (mutual assistance), and “shura” (consultation) as essential principles for fostering collaboration.

Proposed Solutions: The study suggests practical measures to enhance collaboration:

  • Interfaith Dialogue: Encouraging dialogue and understanding among diverse Muslim communities.
  • Economic Integration: Promoting trade, investment, and joint ventures.
  • Educational Exchange: Facilitating knowledge-sharing and academic partnerships.
  • Joint Research Initiatives: Addressing common challenges (e.g., climate change, poverty) through collaborative research.
  • Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: Developing frameworks for peaceful resolution of disputes.




How to Cite

Muhammad Junaid Nadvi, & Mohammad Khalid Husain. (2024). Substratum of Collaborative Endeavors in Muslim Nations: An Evaluation and Islamic-Based Approach. Al-Wifaq, 7(1), 13–46.



English Articles