رچرڈ اے گبریئیل کی کتاب "محمد: اسلام کا پہلا عظیم جنرل " کا تنقیدی جائزہ

Critical review of the Book "Muhammad: Islam's First Great General" by Richard A. Gabriel


  • Aysha Habib Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur (AJK), Pakistan.
  • Sajjad Ahmad Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur (AJK), Pakistan.




Richard A. Gabriel, Insurgency, Guerrilla Warfare, War to the Knife, Muhammad: Islam's First Great General


The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) serves as an exemplary model for believers, as emphasized in the Quran. A significant aspect of his life includes his involvement in battles (Maghazi) during the Medinan period, where he fought against enemies of Islam, initially in defensive battles and later in proactive Jihad. These campaigns are a crucial part of Islamic History, extensively documented by scholars.

Some Western historians, driven by anti-Islamic agendas, have attempted to distort the true objectives of these battles, portraying them as mere attempts to spread Islam by force. Richard A. Gabriel, a retired military officer, contributed to this discourse with his book "Muhammad: Islam's First Great General," offering interpretations based on his military experience.

This article critically reviews Gabriel's book, divided into three sections: Introduction of the writer, Overview of the book, and Critical analysis. Each section provides insights concisely, presenting discussions in a narrative, critical, and analytical approach.




How to Cite

Aysha Habib, & Ahmad, S. (2024). رچرڈ اے گبریئیل کی کتاب "محمد: اسلام کا پہلا عظیم جنرل " کا تنقیدی جائزہ: Critical review of the Book "Muhammad: Islam’s First Great General" by Richard A. Gabriel. Al-Wifaq, 7(1), 53–76. https://doi.org/10.55603/alwifaq.v7i1.u4



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