امت مسلمہ میں اتحاد و اتفاق کے قیام میں مساجد اور نماز با جماعت کا کردار

The Role of Mosques and Congregational Prayers in Establishing Unity and Consensus in the Muslim Ummah


  • Khadija Aziz Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar.
  • Maryam Hamid Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar.




Ummah, Mosque, Prayer, Unity, Unification, Role of Salah, Role of Mosque


Unity and unification are central themes in Quranic teachings, with mosques playing a pivotal role in promoting this unity within the Muslim community. Mosques embody Islamic monotheism and act as a unifying force for Muslims of diverse backgrounds. Through congregational prayers the Muslims gather multiple times daily, standing shoulder to shoulder in worship and demonstrating the essence of unity. Islam emphasizes the importance of brotherhood (unity) which is essential for building a cohesive society.

Islam provides explicit guidance on achieving and maintaining unity and highlighting the importance of solidarity among believers. The spirit of Muslim brotherhood is fundamental to a virtuous society which fosters social justice and harmony.

Mosques, as autonomous and democratic institutions, should not promote religious intolerance or sectarianism. The administrators of mosques have the duty to correct misconceptions about Islam and combat Islamophobia. Unity as outlined in the Quran encourages gratitude, acceptance, kindness, and thoughtfulness which bring humanity closer together. The Quran urges believers to hold firmly to the rope of Allah collectively and avoid division, reminding them of Allah's blessings in uniting hearts in brotherhood.




How to Cite

Khadija Aziz, & Maryam Hamid. (2024). امت مسلمہ میں اتحاد و اتفاق کے قیام میں مساجد اور نماز با جماعت کا کردار: The Role of Mosques and Congregational Prayers in Establishing Unity and Consensus in the Muslim Ummah. Al-Wifaq, 7(1), 21–33. https://doi.org/10.55603/alwifaq.v7i1.u2



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