يہوديت، عيسايت اور اسلام میں نکاح کا تصور (تحقیقی، تنقیدی اور تقابلی جائزہ
Concept of Marriage in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (Research, Critical and Comparative Analysis)
Marriage Contract, Nikah, Divine Religions & Nikah, Rights of SpouseAbstract
With the emergence of Islam two religions, Christianity and Judaism remain against it. Although these two religions are the main religions in the early stages of Islam and both were from Bani Israel and call Ibrahim as their forefather. These two religions were dominant at that time in terms of politics, knowledge, religion, economics. These two religions were opponents to each other through their actual opponent is nothing but Islam.
Although these two religions were heavenly religions and there were several clues, in the bible and Torah beside their distortion, about the appearance of the Prophet in the land of Arab. Jews and Christians were anxiously waiting for the Prophecy of Muhammad (PBUH) because there were clear pieces of evidence about the Prophecy of Muhammad (PBUH) in the prediction of Mosa and Eisa (AS). As soon as the news spread that the Prophet appeared from Banu Ismail who calls people to believe in his prophecy, soon they became alert and felt him as a threat to Christianity and Judaism in the future.
In a short span of time his invitation publicized and with such wisdom he called the people towards divine commandments that revolution occurred in Arab society and distortion of the bible and Torah unveiled. Contrary to the ignorant period he (PBUH) showed the people sympathy in a simple and neutral way. And declared their ignorant traditions morally and socially cancer for the society. But due to his personality and code of calling and remarkable character with few difficulties the society showed a tendency towards him and the revolution occurred.
Following- in the light of his teaching towards the social aspect- we will discuss marriage and the concept of marriage in Judaism and Christianity.
The summary of this discussion is as follows.
- Introduction to marriage, its purpose, and importance.
- The concept of marriage in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
- The wisdom behind polygamy (More than one wife up to four) in Islam.
- Answers to objections from Christianity about polygamy in Islam.
Marriages of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and their purposes politically, socially, religiously.