Deadlines of all Processes
Duration of Paper Submission:
Duration of Paper Submission starts two times in a year. Paper Submission for the 1st Issue of every Volume opens on 1st January and ends on 28 February. And the Paper Submission for the 2nd Issue of every Volume opens on 1st July and ends on 31 August.
Review of Articles
After the dead line of the article submission, similarity reports and enlists process takes maximum 10 days. If article's similarity founds above the mark, the correspondent author should be mailed.
After-that, if the article is found to be relevant and plagiarism-free, the paper selects for editorial reviewer and this review process takes almost a period of one month.
In the fourth Stage, after the editorial review if the paper selects, correspondent author should be asked to submit fee and after receiving fee the article sends for review to international and national reviewers. Suggestions by the reviewers are strictly implemented by sending the papers back to the authors. This process can take almost one and a half month.
Acceptance of Articles and Publication of Articles,
In the third and the final stage, the editorial team analyzes whether the recommended changes (where applicable) have been incorporated or not, and a decision about acceptance of the paper is made. Only papers of the highest research quality are accepted for publication. This final process must be ended till 30 June & 31 December accordingly.